For Medium Sized Jobs

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20 Yard Roll Off Dumpsters

The Measurements and Attributes of 20 Yard Dumpsters

The 20 yard dumpster’s adaptability and convenience makes it our most commonly rented dumpster size. A 20 yard dumpster rental is sufficiently big to deal with a sizable quantity of debris, yet small enough to fit on the average residential driveway.

  • Dimensions:  The dimensions of a 20 yard dumpster measure 22 feet x 8 feet x 3.5 feet.
  • Capacity:  A 20 yard dumpster can hold 20 cubic yard of material, or about 8 pickup truck loads of debris.
  • Weight Limit:  20 yard dumpsters can hold approximately 4 tons or approximately 8,000 pounds of material.
  • Other Key Attributes: A 20 yard dumpster is a little too big for a standard neighborhood driveway.

Is A 20 Yard Dumpster The Correct Size For Your Project?

The 20 cubic yard dumpster is our most frequently borrowed roll off container. Its mid-range dimensions make it a useful option for a variety of projects, including:

  • Cleaning your garage, basement, attic or various other cluttered areas.
  • Downsizing prior to a move or other modification to your living situation.
  • Getting rid of debris from redesigning your kitchen, restroom or other spaces.
  • Disposing of building and construction debris like exterior siding, roof tiles, lumber or drywall.
  • Tidying up tree limbs, shrubs and various other backyard debris after a landscaping job.

20 Yard Dumpster Drop Off Requirements

Remember to meet the terms of the container guidelines when you are getting ready for a 20 yard dumpster delivery. They include:

  • Making sure you leave about 50 feet of space in length in your driveway so that the dumpster can be dropped off.
  • If a dumpster permit is required be sure to have it on drop off premises at the time of delivery.
  • Clear away a minimum of 14 to 18 feet of vertical space so that the dumpster can be elevated and put in the designated position. Make certain the delivery area is free of any low-hanging wires or tree branches.
  • Remember the weight limit and the debris restrictions that we told you about as you begin to load up the dumpster.

How Does a 20-Cubic Yard Dumpster Stack Up Against Other Sizes?

Our 20-yard dumpster service is ideal to manage cleaning for any kind of mid-level job.
However, if you’re preparing for a small-scale project like basic decluttering or small house updates, a 10 yard dumpster or 15-yard dumpster would certainly be your best option. At the other end of the size range, our 30-yard dumpster would offer you the most value if you’re planning a massive job like full home remodel or completing an addition to your home.

20 Yard Dumpsters For Contractors And Construction Jobs

With its versatility, a 20-yard dumpster rental produces the perfect waste removal choice for professional contractors on a wide array of work sites like:

  • Room remodels
  • Roofing jobs
  • Construction projects.
  • Landscaping design projects
  • And much more!

Throwing away hefty products such as asphalt or concrete? The 20-yard container is frequently the only choice that can transport up to 10 tons of material without ending up being overwhelmed.

We can position your container basically anywhere on your work site that can be accessed by our trucks and we provide empty-and-return services to optimize your working time. Give us a call at (972) 564-2800 to find out more information or to set up a 20-yard dumpster rental for your work.

Prohibited Items

We pride ourselves on our ability to help consumers with all kinds of different waste. However, there are still particular products that we cannot accept in our dumpsters. This includes all combustible, harmful, or toxic materials. If your products fall under these categories, examine them to identify warning tags and symbols on the label.

Reserve a Dumpster

Whichever size you need, we got you covered. We make it easy because we know you have a big project to take care of. Contact us now and let's gets started on your reservation.